Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday Snapshot

This is my first Sunday Snapshot and today I want to spot light my mom better known as Nani.

When completing our third homestudy I was asked who was the most influential when I was growing up.  I hadn't really thought about until that point but it is without a doubt my mom.

She taught me the most important things in my life; love for Jesus and family, to be generous with my time and possessions, to work hard at all I do and so many other wonderful things.

She traveled with me to China and is excited to join us on our next trip.  She is my biggest supporter and best cheerleader.

Her grandchildren absolutely adore her!
Thank you mom for all you have taught me and all you do for us.  We love you so much!

Ni Hao Y'all


  1. Awww, Nani sounds awesome! And a perfect travel companion for a trip to China :)
    Thanks for joining in this week! Enjoyed your Sunday Snapshot!!

  2. What a blessing to have such a great mom and grandma! Beautiful family

  3. That is such a sweet post. As another mom with a wonderful mom....I understand the tribute. What a blessing good moms are.
